Saturday, July 12, 2014


Since my first grandchild was born, ten years ago, I have always vacationed with my daughter and the three children (now 10, 9 and 7).  We have gone to the beach, to the North Pole, Camp Yogi, every and any water indoor park, Disney World, Ft. Lauderdale, Pirate Dinners, Pirate Cruises, Naples, Florida, New York, New Jersey, Pawley's Island, South Carolina.  At any given time, we get up, get packed and GO! We have been well tuned, efficiently moving, well-oiled touring machines!

But, I broke my ankle!  I am having a difficult time healing.  I am in a walking cast which is heavy and cumbersome.  I am to "relax", curtail activity, limit travel, rest, remain close to my Doctors for constant visits.  UGH.  So, a family trip to the beach (Cape May, New Jersey) with inflexible dates, was not to include me.  The Trio and I were having a difficult time dealing with this, but, as my grandmother would say:  "This too, will pass."  In other words...get over it with style and grace!

While their Mom spent two days packing, getting her nails done, etc. in preparation for the family (minus one) vacation, I thought that I too, would have a sleepover, mini vacation with Todd, Tess and Tanner before they left.  We booked a hotel for two days with a spa and swimming pool, breakfast, accommodating staff, near a mall, restaurants, miniature golf, movie theatre and laser tag!  Firm shifting sand for my instability.  We shopped, ate, played, swam and I kept my leg elevated while they ran amuck!  After the pool closed for the evening at the hotel, Tess made me tea.  The boys created snacks.  Tess and I gave each other facials, pedicures and manicures!  They did their best to take care of Meme (may may).  Finally, the call came from Mommy: "We have a long ride Mom." (ten hours)  "Maybe, you should bring the children back at 11 this morning.  Everything is packed.  I even have Dad's birthday gift in the rental car."  Sadly, I relayed the message to the Trio.  We returned home.  The "Griswald" (Family Vacation - Chevy Chase) packed car was a reality before me.  Tearfully, we hugged, kissed, promised to call.  This sounds a little over the top for a week's separation, I do admit.  Upon their return, they knew that they would spend the week with Uncle Nick, Vacation Bible School and me...something to which we could all look forward!

Suddenly, Tiff (my daughter) came down the stairs with what we call "Tiki's Space Ship"!  This is a flying saucer shaped, covered litter box for Tiki, their pure white, affectionate, playful, silly cat!  Trying to be cool, collected, mature and dry eyed, I asked: "Tiff, what are you doing?"  Giggles erupted all around: "Meme!  You are taking Tiki home with you!  You won't miss us and you know we'll be right there after vacation  to see you and Tiki!  You two will have fun and you won't cry!"

I had to install Tiki in one of the bedrooms used by the Trio.  Priscilla, my cat, becomes an emotional and mental freak, leading to $3,000 Veterinary bills when her psychosis, insecurities, jealousy manifest themselves into a physical mess of a kitty!  In other words, Priscilla does not play hostess to Tiki with a smile.  She does not offer to play paper dolls, share vittles or breath the same air.  So, the "Space Ship" was placed at the far end of a rather large bedroom/playroom.  Far from it, Tiki's food dishes were assembled.  Disney Jr. played on the television for her entertainment.  Door firmly closed.

This morning, in a flimsy robe, walking cast and one slipper with nothing else on me at all, I ventured down the stairs to distract Priscilla with breakfast and treats before tending to Tiki.  I planned to then shower, dress in comfortable lounging clothes and relax with my leg elevated most if not all of the day to counter the exhaustion of the previous two days.  Maybe I would watch a little television with Tiki to keep her company for a little while.  And so, Saturday was to be stress free, easy, relaxed.

Priscilla was purring as she inhaled her treats at breakfast.  I fed the goldfish, which has taken up residence since the last trip that my daughter took, leaving me pets and children.  I loaded a silver tray (no joke) with goodies for Tiki and snuck down the hallway to Tiki's room.  I smartly opened  and closed the door quickly and firmly.  I scooped the space ship, watered, fed my house guest.  I changed the channel on the television to Westerns (Hey, it was Saturday, after all!)  We made chit chat, a little ear, chin rubbing, "I'll visit you later Tiki", took the tray of dirty dishes, etc. and headed for the door.

I turned the door knob.  Nothing caught to open the door!  I turned and turned and turned and turned the knob more and more and more and more!  Nothing.  I turned it the opposite way.  I turned and turned and turned and turned the knob again and again and again and again!  Nothing!  I could not get out!  My phone was upstairs.  The only other living, breathing beings in the house at the time were Priscilla (can't reach the knob) and the goldfish (can't scale the snifter from beneath floating candles)  Now what?  My aknle was throbbing, even in the boot.  I was panicking!

I was on the first floor.  The windows are rather large.  So, I opened the window and screen in the bedroom.  Tiki was hot on my trail.  I kept telling her to go away and "spot" me from the other side of the room.  I tossed some jingle bells (Tanner had been playing with them last week) across the floor. Tiki took off after them.  I scratched my --- sliding out of the window of the brick palazzo.  I had the presence of mind to hang on by a thread, so to speak, to the screen to close it, confining Tiki.  I am glad that the neighbors are either not nosey, or not outdoorsy to have paid any attention to me!  Luckily, the neighborhood "watch" didn't recommend that I be arrested for indecent exposure!

I limped/clumped around the house, climbed onto the deck and found a window from there, unlocked.  I climbed back into the house, shimmying down a bookcase.  Hmmmm....and I didn't like Gym when I was in school.  Pretty athletic, if you ask me! I was hot, dirty, in agony, but IN THE HOUSE!!!

My phone was ringing upstairs!  I pulled myself up the stairs, missed two calls.  I listened to the first message as I was removing weeks from my hair and the Velcro of my boot: "Hi Meme!  We tried to call you!  You said to call, but you are'n't answering!  How's Tiki?  Are you taking good care of your ankle?  Are you resting or sleeping now?  Grandpa rented a big house.  Too bad he couldn't change the date, but Mom said to stay off of your ankle and take good care of it so that we can play when we come home!  I miss you!  I miss you more!! C'mon guys, we all miss Meme!  We'll call you back later!  I love you!  I love you!  I love you!!  Kiss Tiki for us!!!  We'll call you back!"  CLICK  I listened to the second message.  My Mom:  "Now that the children are away, just rest.  Don't exert yourself!  The peace will do you good.  A little tea, a good book and doze - you might be napping now.  You're probably feeling refreshed already."

You know, one just might be able to nurse a broken ankle while the family is away.  I get that.  But, not when Meme is a Cat Sitter!

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