Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Runaway Harpy Please Come Back!!!

Tanner, four years old, came bouncing out of  "Lunch Bunch" (Monday) at his Pre-School with not only his slicker, rain boots, a back pack, a lunch box but also a tote bag containing a six inch stuffed toy penguin...HARPY! Within the confines of the tote also was a notebook.  A "Journal" if you will.  Tanner was to care for Harpy until he returned to school on Wednesday morning.  Tanner was thrilled to have such responsibility.  I am a veteran of responsibility and really, it isn't all that, but, hey, he's 4!

Harpy and Tanner went to the Barber Shop.  Harpy and Tanner went to the Library to find a book with Harpy's relatives and closest friends in it.  Harpy and Tanner returned home to "rest" before the afternoon of "activities" began with Todd (8) and Tess (7).  We wrote in the Journal.  That was the penance that parents, grandparents, guardians must suffer for this honor.  Four year olds can't really write and really don't know what they have done in the past five minutes, never mind two hours. 

To regress...Tanner's teacher is attractive, young, hip, smart, personality plus, mother of active children, herself.  I think that she just might be suffering from...well, REALLY?

Tess had to gather up her ballet shoes, ballet bag, change, oh, where did the "bun cover' go this week?  Todd needed his tennis raquet - "No not that one, the new one! Meme!  The other sneakers!  How can I run with these?"  Are you getting the scenario?  We are not even up to basket ball practice yet!  My daughter and I collided racing for the door with busy children heading for different life enhancing afternoons.  Tanner grabbed the "Harpy" tote and one shoe!  Unfortunately, I drew the short straw and short child and as I realized that I had both boys, two tennis racquets, my head full of "Todd's new strategy" and "Harpy".  "Tanner, please leave Harpy home!"  "Meme! I can take care of Harpy, Mrs. Ely said I have to take care of him!  I'm big enough!"

The three greatest myths/lies in the United States are:  1. The Check is in the mail.  2. Really, you can tell me anything! and...wait for it...3. I can do it!  I'm big enough!

Oh, I think that you know where this leads...

We knocked down anyone in our path to get into the Tennis Club... Tennis Todd - delivered.  Tess was on her way to the Ballet Studio...

"Tanner, let's run into the store, I only need a thing or two." 

"C'mon Harpy, we have to go shopping!"  Tanner grabbed the tote, maybe Harpy?

  "No, Tanner, please leave him in the car!  The store is busy, I don't want to make this my next career move, just leave him in the car!"

"Meme!  I can take care of Harpy!  Mrs. Ely said...."

We saw some people that we know.  I chatted here and there.  As we left the store...you guessed it...

"Meme, where's Harpy?"  Tanner is really a rocket scientist in the disguise of a four year old.  He has the ability to launch me into the wild blue yonder, beyond the Milky Way and have you ever seen me wave from the Aurora Borealis?  Yes, readers, I was livid, furious, rushed to pick up Todd, dropping my packages, and just not singing, "What a Wonderful World!" 

We retraced our steps, we recruited a cute young employee who must have suffered through a few episodes of a wired grandmother, we put the management on alert and left without Harpy.

The next best thing...remember, I am shallow, an egomaniac, the works.  We have two variety stores that boast that they are open 24 hours.  After the children and their Mom went home, I recruited a friend, who by the way would rather not be my friend at this point, to drive me in a storm (nothing's simple) and pull up to the two stores while I searched for Harpy II.  Walmart let me down.  Meijer had a three foot Emperor Penguin.  I couldn't even spin that Harpy ate sooooo much that he grew in two days. 

Think about our children's lives.  Our week is NUTS... besides school, homework, activities (Dance, Acting, Cheerleading, Tennis, BasketBall...that's just now...in Spring we add golf and baseball), the equipment, shoes, clothes for the things that enrich us.  Pets to care for - talk about responsibility.  We have religious education and the materials/assignments required.  Am I missing the point of a toy and journal?  Tanner has carried around Woody (from Toy Story) for two years, you know.  Never lost, but there's a connection.  If he can remember where he left his crocs, we are doing well.  Actually, a few blogs back, Tiffany and I nearly forgot Tanner!

Sometimes, just sometimes, I believe that educators don't realize that on paper ideas look fantastic, valuable.  But, reality is that some of us with three children with at least two-three commitments each (not to mention religion) are penalized over and over with assignments that are above children's heads.  We are "collecting" , fund raising, book fairing, volunteering, shhhing at Mass,  enriching until we are in a furious stupor!

If you see 'Harpy", please tell him that Tanner misses him and is sorry that he lost track of him.  Please tell Harpy that Meme (remember, readers...that's pronounced may-may) is sorry that she just wasn't on top of her game.  Whoever has Harpy now, take good care of him.  He, according to the journal, is well traveled.  He has been to the Zoo, to the Barber Shop and the Library.  If Harpy gets too homesick, please send him back to the Epiphany Lutheran Pre-School!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans' Day and Todd

Unless you live under Plymouth Rock and have no access to civilization whatsoever, you are well aware that today is Veterans' Day!  My Dad is a World War II Veteran.  He is alive and well dancing on the Wayne Tennis Courts as I type. 

My eight year old Grandson, Todd, invited me to attend the Veterans' Day Program at his Elementary School.  The event was beautifully done!  Veterans, from each branch of the military were asked to stand, introduced themselves and state their years of service.  A Koren Veteran, actually had tears and thanked us for thanking the Veterans.  After each branch was introduced, the children sang the appropriate song for that particular branch.  We all know the words. 

At the end, Todd stood by me, I had on my VFW Ladies Auxiliary Jacket on, by the way (Thank you Dad).  The entire assembly sang Lee Greenwood's GOD BLESS THE USA together.  We all held hands and the chorus swelled to the heavens where those who did not survive could hear our praise! 

I made an appearance in Todd's classroom and distributed "Flag Etiquette" pamphlets and took Todd home early. (The Perk of having an involved adult).

Later, Todd and I snuggled and went through his Navy books and discussed the military in the depth through which  an eight year old can trudge.  I didn't encourage signing that blank check with his life, we just talked.

Finally,  "Meme" (that's may-may), Todd said with his blue eyes pensive and his index finger thinking in the air, "Great-Grandpa in New Jersey was in the Army, right?"  "Yes, Todd, he was in World War II."  "Hmm, and Papa Bruce was a Marine?" asked Todd.  "Yes, but that was Viet Nam".  "Oh, and Meme, Rags (Ron) was in the war too?" "Yes, Todd, he was in the Army in Viet Nam". 

"You know, Meme, Grandpa, Bruce and Rags are really good soldiers!" exclaimed Todd.

"I guess, Todd, but why do you say that?"

"Because Meme!  They are all alive after the wars!  They did  a good job!"

The wisdom of an eight year old.  Like many of you out there, they were brave, good and survived! You enable us to discuss, praise, disagree with precious freedom!

So, I ask, THANK A VETERAN! Thank God for those who have survived to sing " God Bless The USA".  Ask God to protect those who are serving as I type and enable them to come home, hold the hand of a loved one and join the chorus...soon!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

We Can All Sleep Safely Tonight!

I was invited to Des Moines, Iowa.  I made a quick twenty-four hour trip between Tess' actual Seventh Birthday (November 3) family dinner and her little girl Ballet party (November 5).  Early in the afternoon of November 4, I hustled to the Dayton International (sure it is) Airport to catch a quick flight to Iowa.  Big doings in Iowa, you know.  The Reagan Dinner, I even did a little radio chat.

Back to the TSA and ME.  I carefully had packed a carry-on with regulation 3 ounce or less goos and spillables. I always carry a book (actually one for each day) and embroidery.  In my embroidery, there was nestled a sewing scissor. Always have one, always will. Never an issue, ever.  Wedged between 3 oz. bottles of beauty, I had my nifty Lady Schick.  Always carry it (disposable, one a day), always will.  I danced through the "full body scanner" like one of "The Four Tops".  All of a sudden, I thought that I was caught in a good old fashioned air-raid! A swat team of uniforms and badges swooped down on me as if I had been speaking fluent Terrorist Threat Lingo!  The Brigadeer General of Homeland Security, or so Ms. Nasty Pants acted, firmly stated, "Hey, we gotta pat ya down! I gonna do a full body, invasive search a ya'll!"  I said, "There is a chance that I'll miss my plane and what on earth for?"  "Hey, hon, ya'll got on all them shiny sequins an' all!  That make the maching go nuts!'  "Well", I replied, "if you know that my sequins on my shirt are to blame, and I've been through the scanner, what will a pat down do?"  "Thin Ah kin check ta see if ya got any more!"  Ms. Nasty Pants called for "a little help hea".  I then took my chances and said, "This makes a lot of sense.  Let's put me on the Italian, No Fly List because of bling.  The Taliban, I realize isn't known for sequins and beads...so, they can rig themselves to explode and threaten us,  while we make sure that these sequins don't deflect signals from outter space and endanger our National Security.  Is this in a procedure book to be wary of animal print sprinkled with sequins?"  Miss Nasty Pants was told by her superior mauler forget the matter and get back to work.  I thanked the obviously more sensible of the two and managed to catch the last call for boarding my flight.

Travelers know how this is...when you depart from somewhere, eventually, you have to return.  That would have been the next morning...TSA agents were pleasant enough at O-Dark:30 in the morning.  Again, my bag of embroidery whizzed through the x-ray scanner.  I had no razor, used it, disposed of the disposeable.  And then, the carry-on suitcase did the one glide forward and two glides back on the scanner's belt.  Oh nuts!  Now what?  "Mam", said  Sunbonnet Sue (She really should have been milking cows and shucking corn. The whole official uniform thing wasn't working for her pure ivory complexion and blue as a clear lake eyes.) "Mam, (that hateful word again), I have to ask you a few questions!"  I realized the questions were not of the what do I like for breakfast nature, or for whom did I want to vote.  "Really, what's the matter?" I inquired.  "I have to search your suitcase.  There apparently is a heavy, sharp edged object in there.  Before I look, do you want to tell me what I'm looking for?"  Really, I mean, REALLY?  The scissor was yawning waiting for me to go to the gate.  I now had to create a "confession" about what?  I couldn't fathom just what was irritating her enough to irritate me!  Didn't she like my cocktail dress?  Was the satin coat abrasive?  WHAT, WHAT, WHAT???

She tore open the suitcase, tossed around my belongings and as if she ripped the heart out of Julius Ceasar or someone of that stature, she proudly exclaimed, " Ah-ha!  I've found it!" 

I have, in the past few weeks, stirred quite a bit of sympathy for myself concerning THE VILLAGER.  As you might recall, I have a convoy of bulldozers ready to activate itself.  I was given a heavy, die cast, model, Catepiller...BULLDOZER when I arrived in Des Moines! 

I guess that the TSA decided that all 5'2", 112 pounds of Italian "Organza", Anne Klien II and Estee Lauder could take down an "AirBus" with a...wait for it...4 inch by 3 inch by 2 1/2 inch die cast Bulldozer.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!

I explained to Rebecca of SunnyBrook Farm with a badge the entire story of my book, my blog, my Apartment Complex, the Bulldozer parade that is to be launched.  Instead of calling a mental institution, she took a book mark (my son designed them), said it was a pleasure to talk, and be safe!

So, that is my story of a quick 24 hour trip to Des Moines, Iowa.  The Bulldozer is on a table in my living room warming its engine!!!


On the other hand, I shout out to Renee!  The most good natured, naturally entertaining flight attendant in United Airlines.  I experienced a flight home with her.  She helped all of the previous craziness go away!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Danville, Illinois - USA

Recently, I visited Danville, Illinois!  I had never been there.  PROJECT REUNION - IT'S ALL ABOUT ME! is responsible for new places and people!  Danville is the home to THE VERMILION COUNTY WAR MUSEUM.  There are are more than 5,000 exhibits ranging from the Revolutionary War to Iraqi Freedom.  There are 4,000 books, hundreds of uniforms from all branches of the military and all war.  I will now share the words of Harry Johnson, a World War II Veteran and Curator/Guide of the Museum.  Mr. Johnson wrote:

The Museum is not here to glorify or perpetuate war.  Children have played war for centuries, however, when you are lying in a foxhole in the rain or show, or feel the burning sand of the desert, or the heat and humidity of the jungle, the glory of war is soon gone. When you see tracer bullets coming toward your aircraft, witness a torpedo headed for your ship or feel the concussion of depth charges in a submarine, it is a terrifying experience.  Prisoners of war subjected to the inhumanities of captivity with little to eat, by an enemy with very little to eat for their own people, know there is no glory to war.
God meant mankind to live in peace and harmony.  If you should slap my face, I could live with that, however, if you cause harm to my younger sibling, I will, to the best of my ability, be all over you like a wet shirt.
War occurs when some selfish individual like Adolf Hitler or Saddam Hussein want more than their share and exercise their dictatorial powers to wage war on their neighbors.  At this time, a choice must be made, roll over and succumb to the tyrant's wishes, or stand and fight, not for yours alone, but for country and all himanity.
The War Museum is here to honor the sarcrifices made by so many men and women over the years.  THOSE WHO GAVE THEIR LIVES, GAVE THEIR ALL FOR US THE LIVING.  WE SALUTE THEM!  If you served your country in war we SALUTE YOU!   If in peace time, we do need a strong defensive Armed Forces, always, WE SALUTE YOU!  If you weren't an active participant, you undoubtedly had a mother, father, sister or brother, husband or wife, aunt or uncle, or some other ancestor who did, WE SALUTE YOU FOR THEM!

                                                          Harry Johnson, Vermilion County War Museum Society

Mr. Johnson proudly informed, entertained, intrigued as he ushered his audience through various exhibits.  I occasionally would wander on my own and listen to the spirit of America, there, pulsating with peaceful strength. I was gripped by the hush of breath of heros and martyrs. As I fingered uniforms, I gently nudged the essence of our Freedom. I was humbled by the magnitude of loss. I stood in a shrine of men and women who gave me the ability/freedom to sit and type my selfish thoughts, to select a fantastic restaurant for dinner, to pop into any establishment in the country and chat with free merchants or volunteers, buy a new phone with no censor, watch "I Love Lucy" or eat pizza all night long, if I so desire. The men and women, who unselfishly perished in Military campaigns  extended the freedom to learn and work to immigrants, such as my Italian Grandparents. Soldiers, Prisoners of War, those Missing In Action, Veterans and casualties all strengthened the Statue of Liberty's arms to embrace those seeking life and liberty.

Thank you, Mr. Johnson for your extreme knowledge, participation and enthusiasm.  I believe that you are the backbone of The Vermilion County War Museum Society.

 Jackie, the President of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Danville VFW was gracious and welcoming.  I bragged (not recommended in the future)  that I am the Secretary of a Post in Kettering, Ohio that  celebrated it's 50th Anniversary on October 14. Jackie, quietly informed me that by year end, her post is celebrating its 80th!  Yes, readers, I am a smartie aleck.  She gave a tour of the establishment, told of some of the events, procedures and basically we "talked shop".  Thank you!

Danville is historic, friendly.  My impression is that there are no strangers and that there are friendly faces willing to share bits of themselves with a visitorr.

Mr. Johnson, Jackie thank you for your hospitality, sincerity and generosity!