Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans' Day and Todd

Unless you live under Plymouth Rock and have no access to civilization whatsoever, you are well aware that today is Veterans' Day!  My Dad is a World War II Veteran.  He is alive and well dancing on the Wayne Tennis Courts as I type. 

My eight year old Grandson, Todd, invited me to attend the Veterans' Day Program at his Elementary School.  The event was beautifully done!  Veterans, from each branch of the military were asked to stand, introduced themselves and state their years of service.  A Koren Veteran, actually had tears and thanked us for thanking the Veterans.  After each branch was introduced, the children sang the appropriate song for that particular branch.  We all know the words. 

At the end, Todd stood by me, I had on my VFW Ladies Auxiliary Jacket on, by the way (Thank you Dad).  The entire assembly sang Lee Greenwood's GOD BLESS THE USA together.  We all held hands and the chorus swelled to the heavens where those who did not survive could hear our praise! 

I made an appearance in Todd's classroom and distributed "Flag Etiquette" pamphlets and took Todd home early. (The Perk of having an involved adult).

Later, Todd and I snuggled and went through his Navy books and discussed the military in the depth through which  an eight year old can trudge.  I didn't encourage signing that blank check with his life, we just talked.

Finally,  "Meme" (that's may-may), Todd said with his blue eyes pensive and his index finger thinking in the air, "Great-Grandpa in New Jersey was in the Army, right?"  "Yes, Todd, he was in World War II."  "Hmm, and Papa Bruce was a Marine?" asked Todd.  "Yes, but that was Viet Nam".  "Oh, and Meme, Rags (Ron) was in the war too?" "Yes, Todd, he was in the Army in Viet Nam". 

"You know, Meme, Grandpa, Bruce and Rags are really good soldiers!" exclaimed Todd.

"I guess, Todd, but why do you say that?"

"Because Meme!  They are all alive after the wars!  They did  a good job!"

The wisdom of an eight year old.  Like many of you out there, they were brave, good and survived! You enable us to discuss, praise, disagree with precious freedom!

So, I ask, THANK A VETERAN! Thank God for those who have survived to sing " God Bless The USA".  Ask God to protect those who are serving as I type and enable them to come home, hold the hand of a loved one and join the chorus...soon!

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