Wednesday, March 14, 2012


There has been a massive push AGAINST BULLYING! I wholeheartedly agree that society should not tolerate bullies in any shape or form, at any age. Young bullies grow up to be dangerous teens and anti-social adult specimens that have no place in polite society, or any society, for that matter. What is wrong with "keep your hands to yourself" and "if you can't say anything nice, say nothing at all" ?

Tragically, our children have gone to extremes to avoid bullies...such as suicide. How is it that monsters can rule the earth? Schools then say..."Oh, we were not aware. It should have been brought to our attention." and so the party line goes. SMARTEN UP!

From the time children begin in school, there might be jealousy, conflict. If we teach our children the two points I mentioned above and try to have them understand that "everyone is different and should be respected" and that "some people have more, some less", chances are being an ignorant bully just might not be vogue!

I know of a little second grader. Petite for her age, pretty little girl, who's Mom is raising her to be a lady. There is a monster, oh, excuse me, a girl, in her class who has kicked Petite Lady in the stomach, tries to take ANYTHING from her, threatens her, to a point that Petite Lady really would rather not go to school...SECOND GRADE! Monster child lies and says that Petite Lady hits, etc...are you kidding? Monster Child has also tried to make other students "slaves" to do as she pleases! So, when Petite was asked, "Did you tell the teacher?" The response from the rule obeyer..."Oh, Mrs. L doesn't want us to tattle tale".

I know that educators must educate and don't have time for petty, "he's looking at me" sorts of complaints. However, when a Monster repeatedly is a monster, the teacher should take time out, or the principal be made aware, or Monster's Parents called in to discuss this anti-social behavior!

The parent who choses to raise her daughter as a lady, as an honest, well-behaved, rule abiding, smart, talented individual should not be tormented by animals who choose to raise their children as mean animals. There has to be accountability and RESPECT instilled at a young age. Why should Petite Lady's Mom possibly plan a pre-mature, unnecesary funeral in a few years for a youngster while a school says, "No tattling" or lies..."We had no idea!" A first grade bully grows into a First Class Offensive Bullying Monster!

PVS, you do have an idea! If the requirement to be a student in PVS is to be a bully and monster, tell parents at registration so that they are aware that they just might not want their child to attend a hot house of pain, suffering, lies and misery! Shame on the administration for the "no tattling" policy in the first grade! Shame on the teacher's insensitivity and ignorance of the dynamics in her classroom!

We are in a twisted society. We try to be "correct". Really? Sometimes, just sometimes defensive logic and immediate attention works.

In the City where I grew up...

Marvin B. used to pick on me. He used to pull my hair. The teacher immediately called Marvin's parents, my parents and principal in for a tete-a-tete one morning. Marvin never, never, never touched another student, nor did he touch me ever, ever, ever again. By the end of the meeting, he clearly feared that if he pulled a strand of my hair, his hair would be pulled from his one at a time! Clearly bullying was not acceptable.

I no longer feared Marvin. I was a happy student and achieved.

Marvin became a top notch defense attorney of hair pullers...nothing personal, just business.

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